Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hawaiian Patriot Keala Kelly's Opening Statement At The Akaka Bill Forum, Aug. 23, 2005 Held At The Japanese Chamber Of Commerce, Honolulu, Hawai`i

Here's Part Two -
During the past 4 years I've had the privilege of listening to, interviewing or filming Hawaiians from all over who oppose this legislation.

There are 3 things they all have in common:

1. Many Hawaiians see federal recognition as a threat to their legal options for true self-determination under international law-and see this bill as way of exchanging those rights for the American version, which means the plenary powers of congress-and that means no power for Hawaiians at all;

2. They see it as an attempt by the United States to pressure us into signing over title to the Crown and Government Lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom;

3. They believe it is an insult to the legacy of our ali'i, and that it undermines our spiritual and cultural kuleana [responsibilities] as Hawaiians.

Despite the assertion by others who insist that Hawaiians are no different than any average US citizen - Hawaiians who know their history often see themselves as Hawaiian citizens, not Americans.

They know the Organic Act of 1900 did not make them American citizens, it made citizens of the phony Republic of Hawai`i into Americans.

Kanaka Maoli [Native Hawaiians] were not citizens of the Republic. The Kanaka Maoli never acquiesced to either the fake Republic of Hawai`i or to the United States.

Hawaiians are called citizens of the US but that has been done without consent.

We Continue With Part Three Tomorrow...