Friday, April 14, 2006


Local Video Producers Film Fascinating New Show

A journey of discovery to learn about the modern Hawaiians' role in the independence movement taking place in Hawai`i will debut this evening on O`ahu on Oceanic Cable Channel 56 at 9 PM.

Producers Shana Logan and Jasmine May will shed light through a series of short documentaries on the following questions meant for viewers from Hawai`i and beyond -

Who is the modern Hawaiian?

What is the Hawaiian Independence movement about from their perspective?

Do Hawaiians truly believe in independence for Hawai`i?

Is it anti-American to believe in a Free Hawai`i?

The series starts with Kapono Aluli Souza - a young Hawaiian who has spent the last five years raising awareness about the makahiki season and how this fits into the independence movement today.

Souza lives his independence through the practice of makahiki and other cultural traditions.

For him, independence for Hawai`i is already a reality for Hawaiians today - it's a matter of choice and a matter of believing.

In a five-minute short, we will briefly introduce this young Hawaiian as well as a collection of people who have followed his lead in reviving the makahiki tradition here in Hawai`i.

Taken on-location during an actual makahiki procession through the streets of Kailua on O`ahu in 2002, these are interviews you won't want to miss.

Stay tuned for a full-length documentary coming soon featuring perspectives from these modern Hawaiians -

Kapono Aluli Souza -

Dr. Lynette Cruz - Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Hawai'i Pacific University -

Lynette is also President of Ka Lei Maile Ali`i Hawaiian Civic Club -