Sunday, October 15, 2006


The time has now arrived for everyone to enlist the commitment of everybody you know, Hawaiian or not, to vote Bumpy Kanahele for Office of Hawaiian Affairs trustee on November 7th.

Remind them for the last 20 years Bumpy’s been a tireless servant for all Hawai`i’s people.

Let them know Bumpy will succeed where the present OHA trustees have failed time and again.

Inform them Bumpy will help OHA deal with the Hawaiian health crisis, lack of good public education, and poverty that force most to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet.

Bumpy will seek to end attempts by current OHA trustees to force a “nation-within-a-nation” model on Hawaiians, which polls have shown most residents of Hawai`i see as impractical, unconstitutional and morally wrong.

Do tell them Bumpy’s plan for a Hawaiian Bank will bring all the assets held in trust for Hawaiians together in a bank owned by and for all Hawaiians, and achieve what has long eluded many Hawaiians - economic independence.

Most importantly, the Hawaiian Bank will be a community benefit not just for Hawaiians but all who call Hawai`i home.

Remind them Bumpy will be a powerful voice and influence who will help end years of wasteful trustee infighting and ineffectiveness.

And let them know a vote for Bumpy Kanahele to be Trustee At-Large for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is a Quality of Life vote for all Hawai`i’s people.

Next week, we’ll debut a brand new, never before seen, segment with Bumpy dealing with important health issues facing Hawaiians.

Forward this to everyone you know.

Tell your friends to watch – it’s Bumpy at his best doing what he does best – serving the people.

It’s all right here on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, October 16th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, October 20th At 5:30 PM Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 54
WEDNESDAY, October 18th At 6:30 PM & THURSDAY, October 19th At 6:45 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
SATURDAY, October 21st At 8:00 PM O`ahu - ‘Olelo, Channel 53
“Unsettled Spirit – A Visit With Bumpy Kanahele”

In this earlier segment, we feature one of Hawai`i’s long time sovereignty fighters, and founder of both Pu`uhonua O Waimanalo and Nation of Hawai`i.

Bumpy shares with us an aspect of himself that not everyone knows; what got him involved in creating a better future for the people of Hawai`i.

We promise you’ll want more as Bumpy tells how his years growing up actually helped to mold him as a leader today who is both strong and wise.

Filmed on location at Pu`uhonua O Waimanalo, Bumpy is 100% inspiration in a setting of stunning beauty and also an example of what all of Hawai`i could be.

THURSDAY, October 19th at 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, October 20th At 8:30 AM Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
“Serving The People – A Visit With Bumpy Kanahele”

Even though we’ve known Bumpy for years, every time we visit we always come away impressed.

With his announced OHA trustee candidacy bid, we finally have someone whose honest, forthright, will work for the people if elected and not another tool of the corrupt state apparatus.

And it’s no secret that Bumpy’s a “black and white” kind of guy – you always know where he stands on issues.

Naturally we asked him why he’s running as well as how he’s different from the rest.

Well, the more we heard, the more excited we got – from his native bank proposal to how he would involve our younger generation, and most importantly his vision and strong commitment that everyone has a share.

Join us as we sit down with one of Hawai`i’s long-time servants of the people and find out why he deserves everyone’s support in his run for OHA as he shares his vision for Hawai`i and tells us why the people’s time is now.

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Those not in Hawai`i wishing to view the series may do so by visiting and then clicking “NAT- Channel 53.” A screen should then display allowing you to see the show via live streaming.

Please refer to the ‘Olelo television programming notes above for segment times and titles.

All show times listed above are Hawai`i Standard Time (HST.)