Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Here's What Happened When The Hawaiian Kingdom Was Overthrown

The following day, the resident conspirators numbering 18, mostly Americans, sneaked to a government building a few yards from where the American troops lodged the night before.

There, an American lawyer, who had been a resident of Hawai`i less than a year previous, proclaimed they were now the government of Hawai`i.

Calling themselves the
"provisional government" and selecting Sanford Dole president, they were to exist for the explicit purpose and until terms could be arranged with the U.S. for annexation.

Before the full declaration had been read, the U.S. marines marched into the building to protect and support them.

American Minister Plenipotentiary and commander of all U.S. forces in Hawai`i, John L. Stevens, gave them immediate recognition as the government of Hawai`i as had been planned.

He then joined in their demand that the Queen surrender under "threat of war with the U.S."

"Hawai`i Was A Free Nation - But Never Free For The Taking."