Friday, January 12, 2007


WHERE - AJ Muste Room 339 Lafayette St (btwn Bleecker & Bond (near Broadway & Houston)
Ring buzzer #11 (there are 2 flights of steps)

Take #6 train to Bleecker St or any train to Broadway/Houston NYC

WHEN 3 PM This Sunday - January 14, 2007

"Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation"

This hour-long documentary is a provocative look at a historical event of which few Americans are aware.

In mid-January, 1893, armed troops from the U.S.S. Boston landed at Honolulu in support of a treasonous coup d'etat against the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen Lili`uokalani.

The event was described by U.S. President Grover Cleveland as "an act of war."

Stylized re-enactments, archival photos and film, political cartoons, historic quotes and presentations by Hawaiian scholars tell Hawaiian history through Hawaiian eyes.

Produced in association with the Center for Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawai`i. Featuring historians and scholars Haunani-Kay Trask, Lilikala Kame`eleihiwa, Kekuni Blaisdell and Jonathan Osorio.

"Act of War - The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation" was broadcast first during the centennial year of the overthrow of Queen Lili`uokalani, a landmark year in the Hawaiian movement for sovereignty and independence.

In that same year, the U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution admitting the illegal taking of Hawai`i and formally apologizing to the Hawaiian people.