Mahalo to you all for your words of appreciation about our new segment on the dangers of federal recognition featuring Maui Solomon and Rebecca Tsosie.
As one viewer wrote, “It should be obvious to everyone that the Akaka bill would be a disaster for all of Hawai`i – who in their right mind could be for this very bad idea, anyway?”
Well, most would agree except maybe those scared into it by the Office Of Hawaiian Affairs.
Nevertheless, it’s important that everyone in Hawai`i confront the truth regarding the dangers of federal recognition and what it would do to our people.
And no one really does a better job than Maui and Rebecca because they’ve already seen the aftereffects.
They know what we would be in for.
So if anybody should try to tell you federal recognition would be a good thing for Hawai`i, ask them to sit down and hear from the real experts this week on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.
NEW PROGRAMMING CHANGE NOTES - Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future is now seen on Maui on Akaku, Channel 53 on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM and Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM and also across Hawai`i Island on Channel 53 on Na Leo at the regularly scheduled days and times.
MONDAY, January 15th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, January 19th At 5:30 PM – Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
TUESDAY, January 16th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, January 17th At 6:30 AM – Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
THURSDAY, January 18th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, January 19th At 8:30 AM – Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
“Even They Can See It – A Visit With Maui Solomon & Rebecca Tsosie”
Maui Solomon, a Maori from Aotearoa (New Zealand,) and Rebecca Tsosie, a member of the Yaqui tribe from southern Arizona, come from two different worlds geographically apart.
Yet, they have much in common.
Successful attorneys, both Maui and Rebecca focus their legal practice in helping to protect their own native people.
And both have seen the devastating effects of federal recognition in their own lands.
“Don’t let it happen here,” is the message they brought to us loud and clear.
By describing what did happen to their people after federal recognition, we have an opportunity to see both the “before and after” picture. And it’s one they tell us it’s a mistake we don’t ever want to make.
You’ll be as hooked as we were as they describe the very same slick arguments and false promises their own politicians put forth to sell federal recognition as those we’ve heard in Hawai`i. And you'll be equally as disgusted when you hear the results. Compelling as they are convincing, their message is one all of us need to hear.
SATURDAY, January 20th At 8:00 PM – O`ahu - ‘Olelo, Channel 53
“Songs For Our Soul – A Visit With Liko Martin”
Hawai`i has a lot of singers and songwriters, but none more talented than Liko Martin.
We’ve been trying to get Liko to join us on the show for quite a while and it was definitely worth the wait.
Liko is a musician’s musician – his talents and abilities are up there with the best the world over.
He tells us details of his just finished sessions in a recording studio in Oakland, California with “A list” performers, and even about a Hawaiian opera he’s currently writing!
Perhaps best known for his “Hawai`i Loa Ku Like Kakou, All Hawai`i Stand Together,” Liko has seen and done it all – from Hollywood to Hawai`i, and for the first time reveals what the journey has been like and taught him.
Here’s your opportunity to catch one of Hawai`i’s most unique and treasured talents as he talks about his life, his music, how it comes to him, the role model that inspired it all and how he went from living in a car on the streets of Los Angeles to being one of Hawai`i’s premier musicians today.
Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.
Those not in Hawai`i wishing to view the series may do so by visiting and then clicking “NAT- Channel 53.” A screen should then display allowing you to see the show via live streaming.
Please refer to the ‘Olelo television programming notes above for segment times and titles.
All show times listed above are Hawai`i Standard Time (HST.)