Sunday, May 27, 2007


We hope you enjoyed our daily live video reports from the United Nations In New York City.

The Koani Foundation participated along with over 2,500 other native peoples community members from all over in the sixth annual Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues.

It’s a great way over two weeks to discuss challenges and strategies for improving conditions of the world’s indigenous peoples.

If you haven’t already done so, check our daily reports on Free Hawai`i TV.

And of course a very special mahalo to you all who let us know how much you’ve enjoyed our brand new Voices Of Truth segment featuring Kaleikoa Kaeo.

Last week, we promised you a special interview with him on Free Hawai`i TV.

Well, wait no more, have a look –
Is this one amazing Kanaka Hawai`i Maoli (Native Hawaiian) or what?

We have lots more exciting things coming your way over the next few weeks.

So stay tuned to Free Hawai`i TV and Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future – both a part of the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network.

MONDAY, May 28th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, June 1st At 5:30 PM Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
THURSDAY, May 31st At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, June 1st At 8:30 AM Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
SATURDAY, June 2nd At 8:00 PM O`ahu - ‘Olelo, Channel 53
“An Hawaiian Philosopher – A Visit With Kaleikoa Kaeo”

Rarely have we come across anyone as brilliant as Kaleikoa Kaeo.

An instructor at Maui Community College with a master’s degree in Hawaiian studies and political science, Kaleikoa is literally a modern day Kanaka Maoli visionary.

An articulate philosopher for a Free Hawai`i, Kaleikoa speaks movingly of the importance of our relationship to the `aina, (land) why our cultural qualities must come from the inside out and what he sees for Hawai`i’s future.

We feel sure you’ll agree with us Kaleikoa is a prime example of the brilliance of our younger and up and coming Kanakas.

So sit your entire `ohana (family) down and experience this highly inspirational role model and hear why he says we need to be watchful in everything we do so that we never fall into the trap of becoming no better than those who currently oppress us.

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Those not in Hawai`i wishing to view the series may do so by visiting and then clicking “NAT- Channel 53.” A screen should then display allowing you to see the show via live streaming.

Please refer to the ‘Olelo television programming notes above for segment times and titles.

All show times listed above are Hawai`i Standard Time (HST.)