"...The Akaka Bill is a racist measure. The issue is not about race.
The real issue is about Hawaiian Kingdom nationalism regardless of race, the unlawful United States occupation of an internationally recognized sovereign nation, and the coverup of long-running United States violations of domestic and international laws.
There are so many negative things about the Akaka Bill that it would confuse most anyone but please take a moment to think about this -
The Akaka Bill is an internal united states instrument of deception designed to erase historical crimes by the United States against the Hawaiian Kingdom, including those crimes admittted to by the United States under united states public law 103-150.
Ask yourself, what sovereign nation would allow another nation to amend their constitution?
The Akaka Bill allows the United States interior department to amend the re-organized Hawaiian government's constitution.
Perhaps the United States would prefer that Hawai`i become a nuclear waste dumping site, a nuclear weapons testing site, or worse.
The Akaka Bill is a self-serving effort by the United States government that ultimately provides for United States dictatorship over Hawai`i.
There are a few sell-outs out there, don't be counted as one of them."
Isaac Harp
Kamuela, Hawai`i