Sunday, October 21, 2007


The Superferry fiasco continues to grab the center of attention in Hawai`i and beyond for yet another week.

The Los Angeles Times ran a large front page article, The Battle Of Kaua`i featuring none other than Ka`iulani Edens-Huff, from our Radio Free Kaua`i Voices Of Truth show.

Ka`iulani’s message, which is the message of Kaua`i’s people about the Superferry, came through loud and clear for the entire world to see.

Suddenly, the Superferry is no longer just a local issue, but one now with worldwide exposure and awareness.

While the Hawai`i legislature is holding hearings this week on the neighbor islands, it’s clear they intend to give Governor Linda Lingle exactly what she wants – clear sailing for the Superferry before any environmental impact statement is done.

It’s also clear why – the Superferry has super investors such as former US secretary of the Navy John Lehman who contributed to Lingle’s campaigns.

The ability of the Superferry to carry US military hardware and personnel to anywhere in Hawai`i and quickly is another ominous reason.

So once again, it’s up to the people who love their land to stand up and act.

We encourage everyone to attend the hearings this week and let legislators know an environmental impact statement must be done first.

For up-to-the-minute news and how you can kokua, stay tuned to Free Hawai`i TV.

So naturally it’s two remarkable individuals, Ka`iulani of Kaua`i and Jeff Satcher of Hawai`i Island who remain on the front lines who we feature this week on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, October 22nd At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, October 26th At 5:30 PM Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
TUESDAY, October 23rd At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, October 24th At 6:30 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
SATURDAY, October 27th At 8:00 PM – O`ahu -
`Olelo, Channel 53

“Radio Free Kaua`i – A Visit With Ka`iulani Edens-Huff”

Ka`iulani Edens-Huff, Kanaka Maoli national and local talk-radio hostess is known for more than just talk. She also walks her talk.

With many years of active community involvement on Kaua`i, an issue came along recently that galvanized her even more – the Superferry.

Suddenly the microphone at KKCR radio was used to call the entire island to rise up in active opposition to the Superferry.

It worked – over one thousand residents answered Ka`iulani’s call and turned out at Nawiliwili harbor to stop the Superferry on its maiden trip.

A devoted wife and mother, yet never one to shy from controversy, Ka`iulani’s radio show, Songs of Sovereignty contains not only Hawaiian music, but information about current struggles on Kaua`i and throughout the Hawaiian Nation.

How can one wahine be so brave?

You’ll want to see this one, as we catch Ka`iu outside the radio, down at Nawiliwili Harbor, and inside the Superferry “security zone”. Be prepared for threats of bodily harm, pepper-spray and wall slamming. Join Ka`iulani in action, but you’d better be ready to rumble.

THURSDAY, October 25th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, October 26th At 8:30 AM
Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
“Super(Military)Ferry – A Visit With Jeff Satcher”

“No Super (Military) Ferry in Kawaihae.” That’s what Jeff Satcher says.

Jeff knows one of the main reasons they’re pushing the Superferry so hard in Hawai`i – transport of US military vehicles.

Living in Hawai`i for only a few years, he’s already been accepted with aloha by the broad Kawaihae community opposing the Superferry.

Volunteering his time, energy, resources and high-tech skills, Jeff’s practically a one-man communication center for inter-island collaboration between the quickly expanding groups of activists outraged by the state and federal governments’ arrogant disregard for the law and will of the people.

Jeff reminds us “the port facilities at Kawaihae can’t handle the military vehicles, materiel and personnel that will be the Superferrys’ bread and butter cargo. Our roads can't even handle the existing traffic.”

Don’t miss one of our most fascinating interviews yet as Jeff reveals one of the main people who are behind the Superferry – a former US Secretary of the Navy. You’ll see why the US wants to be able to transport military vehicles and equipment to the neighbor islands on a daily basis - but not if Jeff Satcher and his allies can help stop it.

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

If you missed a show, want you see your favorites again or you don’t live in Hawai`i, here’s how to view our shows anytime – visit and simply click on the episodes you wish to view.