Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sign Waving Protest On Maui This Saturday 10 AM

Increases in cruise ship stays at Pier 1 and the addition of the Superferry to Pier 2 has precipitated a crisis in Maui's only deep water harbor.

With almost 80% of all food and goods coming in through Kahului Harbor, the Department of Transportation has responded by proposing a new Pier 5 for the cruise ships and Superferry on the inner west side of the harbor.

Save Kahului Harbor and Surfrider Foundation are sponsoring an informational sign waving this Saturday, February 2nd from 10 AM to 1 PM on Ka`ahumanu near the canoe hale to protest.

Paddlers and Surfers say the proposal will wipe out the Kahului Harbor surf break and the canoe race course.

The draft Environmental Impact Statment, while admitting this, claims no significant impact on Hawaiian cultural practices.

Save Kahului Harbor, which has been lobbying for procedural changes that give freight priority over passenger ships advocates removing passenger ships entirely to solve the freight crisis.

"Removing passenger ships from Kahului Harbor gives us the breathing room to plan an outward expansion of the harbor and to obtain federal funds," states
Save Kahului Harbor spokesperson, Karen Chun.

"We believe building inward is short-sighted and will create unsafe conditions in our already tight turning basin as well as damaging culture and recreation that has existed here for a thousand years."

Sign waving Saturday will be followed by a potluck and strategy meeting.

According to Chun, "Our use of Kahului Bay is on the line. Who do we kick out of Kahului Harbor? Us or the cruise ships?

"If you favor Hawaiian culture over cruise ships, then we hope you'll show up and make your voice heard."

For more information call (808) 283-3049 or visit