Sunday, March 02, 2008


The ceded lands bill controversy continued for another week with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs trying their best to convince Hawaiians it’s a good deal.

But people are not that easily fooled.

It’s never a good deal when you’re talking about stolen property to begin with.

As one testifier stated, “The proposed changes to the law and transfer of certain land and money assets keeps the status quo of State control of the “ceded lands” (through the state agency, OHA), while pretending to have made compensation for the stolen lands.

The State’s solution for stealing a Kingdom is to generously give it to itself!”

Well, there’s still plenty of opportunity to let your legislators know how you feel about this ridiculous proposal.

Be sure and watch Free Hawai`i TV this Wednesday to find out how you can make you voice heard.

This bill can be defeated, but it’s up to you to use your influence now.

And if you support our issues on the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network, please email this to a friend and see below how you can help us continue our work.

We debut a brand new show this week with Aunty Pele Hanoa of Punalu`u on Hawai`i island.

She’s a true inspiration, caring for her ancestral lands and protecting them from those whose only desire is to make money and lots of it from Hawaiian lands.

We’re honored to bring you Aunty Pele’s story - an example of people who love their land this week on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, March 3rd At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, March 7th At 5:30 PMHawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
TUESDAY, March 4th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, March 5th At 6:30 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
THURSDAY, March 6th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, March 7th At 8:30 AMKaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
“Hidden In The Forest – A Visit With Dr. Baron Kaho`ola Ching”

Deep in a rain forest in Nu`uanu Valley sits one of the most remarkable sites in all Hawai`i.

Imagine a place lost in time and space to the modern world – Kaniakapupu.

A palatial summer residence for Kauikeaoli, Kamehameha III, Kaniakapupu was built over one hundred seventy years ago spanning twenty thousand acres.

Ka La Ho`i Ho`i Ea, Sovereignty Restoration Day, was celebrated on the site in 1843 with over ten thousand guests attending.

Several key documents in Hawaiian history were drafted there and many of Hawai`i’s future rulers visited the residence as children.

Then time swallowed up and forgot Kaniakapupu until one day a few years back Baron cut through thick bamboo forests to rediscover it for himself.

What he saw stopped him in his tracks.

Since then, Baron has overseen the caretaking of this astounding place that time forgot.

Whatever you do, don’t miss our visit with Baron to Kaniakapupu. One of the most unique places in all of Hawai`i, you’ll go with us hiking through dense rain forest as we come face to face ourselves with the ancient residence and artifacts left untouched for almost two centuries in this incredible voyage of rediscovery that is sure to take your breath away.

SATURDAY, March 8th At 8:00 PM O`ahu - `Olelo, Channel 53
“Eyes Of The Kupuna – A Visit With Aunty Pele Hanoa”

Imagine living next to a beautiful black sands beach, a place you’ve lived your entire life.

Nature is at your door. The ocean, the beach, endangered turtles use the area coming ashore to breed.

Now also imagine tour buses pulling up next to your home and brining one thousand tourists a day. That’s right, one thousand tourists every single day.

Tourists who harass the turtles, steal the sand for souvenirs, leave litter, and behave obnoxiously.

How would you like to put up with that every day of your life?

Aunty Pele does.

Born and raised in Punalu`u, she’s a prime example of old Hawai`i - staying on the land where you were born, because you were taught from an early age to malama the `aina – care for your ancestral land.

All around her things are changing – and not for the better. Multi-national corporations building developments on the shore and then stealing the water from agricultural lands for their projects.

Yet none of this stops her.

Be sure and catch our visit with Aunty Pele. You’ll be as inspired as we were by this remarkable kupuna who stops at nothing and whose message is one you’ll long remember – “We accepted everyone who came to Hawai`i. Now they should reciprocate by protecting and caring for what we have.”

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Please consider a donation today to help further our work. Every single penny counts.

You may donate via PayPal at or by mail –
The Koani Foundation
PO Box 1878
Lihu`e, Kaua`i 96766

If you missed a show, want you see your favorites again or you don’t live in Hawai`i, here’s how to view our shows anytime – visit and simply click on the episodes you wish to view.

And for news on issues that affect you, watch