Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I'm writing in regards to (Bill 2733) OHA's dirty hands in land transfer (in the form of a Ceded Lands Settlement)which does much more then dispossesses all Hawaiians from our (kanaka maoli) Ceded Land Trust assets.

It hinders our right as a Nation that of which has been illegally occupied by America and currently undergoing political land trade-offs of coersion and theft...

Neither the State of Hawai`i, the U.S, nor OHA have the right to decide to resolve Native claims to the Ceded Lands Trust and all of its assets. It is not resolved until it is back in the hands of our nation (the Hawaiian Kingdom...)

Until the sovereignty of our nation is established, those lands should not be up for grabs by any State or US entity.

Those lands, assets there upon and it's resources and biodiversity which belongs to the Hawaiian people and we are not represented by OHA and it's lack of integrity...

OHA Trustees are not the leaders of our Independent Nation and do not have the permission of "all" Hawaiians to sign off claims to Native Hawaiians Land, Resources and Assets...

The nation doesn't deserve 20% of revenues of Ceded Lands Trust.

We own it and would like the State of Hawai`i to pay 100% of the revenues it has earned in the past back to the kanaka maoli so we can get our people off the beaches and all Hawaiians will never have to struggle again...

Momi Subiono
David Subiono
Hoku Subiono
Kawika Subiono
Sanoe Subiono
Captain Cook, Hawai`i