Sunday, March 16, 2008


Over the last two days on FreeHawaii.Info we’ve listed eight reasons to oppose the ceded, or stolen lands deal the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is trying to get you to buy.

Obviously, it isn’t going exactly as they had planned.

Many have come forth to voice their opposition.

And now your opportunity comes.

The proposed Ceded Lands Settlement Hearings will be tomorrow, Monday March 17th at 2:45 PM in the Hawai`i state capitol building - Room 414.

It's very important for everyone to attend and demand this bill be killed.

OHA's strategy is to forego sovereignty completely, while enriching itself on the backs of future generations.

Their attempts to sell out the rights of you and your `ohana simply to set themselves up as the “nation” should the Akaka bill ever pass is illegitimate to say the least.

Please plan to attend tomorrow and speak out. Your influence counts – use it!

By the way, if you support our issues, please email this to a friend and see below how you can help us continue our work.

A big mahalo to all of you who let us know how much you enjoy our programming on the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network.

Because of numerous requests, we have our interview with one of Hawai`i’s modern day konohikis, Ke`eaumoku Kapu of Maui this week along with our newest program, featuring Aunty Pele of Hawai`i Island.

And there’s lots more exciting things to come your way soon right here on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, March 17th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, March 21st At 5:30 PM Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
TUESDAY, March 18th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, March 19th At 6:30 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
“Modern Konohiki – A Visit With Ke`eaumoku Kapu”

“What is the destiny in your life?

“What is the history of this place and is there a place suitable for me?”

These are questions that drive the spirit of Ke`eaumoku Kapu, modern day warrior and protector of the `aina.

A former construction worker building houses and highways, Ke`eaumoku’s first awakening came during the 1993 Onipa`a March in Honolulu.

The second occurred when he found himself actually making concrete parts for the H-3 freeway, which eventually caused the desecration of ancient sites in Halawa Valley on O`ahu.

Needing to earn money to feed his family, he kept asking himself, “Is what I’m doing pono, is it just? Is the knowledge I’m acquiring through the corporate system legitimate, based on my life as an island person and Kanaka Maoli?”

Soon thereafter he walked in, quit his job and dedicated the rest of his life to answering the question, “Is there a way to create just with the unjust?”

Today he and his wife run no less than five associations dedicated to serving those threatened with losing their family land to corporate development.

Don’t miss Ke`eaumoku as he leads us through his own awakening that took him from someone whose life was run by US corporations to the warrior he is today who sits on the County of Maui Cultural Resources Commission and the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council. See for yourself how he realized the “contemporary management system has nothing to do with our upbringing as Kanaka Maoli,” and the words he lives by – “we must do whatever we can because our land is at stake.”

THURSDAY, March 20th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, March 21st At 8:30 AM
Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52

SATURDAY, March 22nd At 8:00 PM
O`ahu - `Olelo, Channel 53
“Eyes Of The Kupuna – A Visit With Aunty Pele Hanoa”

Imagine living next to a beautiful black sands beach, a place you’ve lived your entire life.

Nature is at your door. The ocean, the beach, endangered turtles use the area coming ashore to breed.

Now also imagine tour buses pulling up next to your home and brining one thousand tourists a day. That’s right, one thousand tourists every single day.

Tourists who harass the turtles, steal the sand for souvenirs, leave litter, and behave obnoxiously.

How would you like to put up with that every day of your life?

Aunty Pele does.

Born and raised in Punalu`u, she’s a prime example of old Hawai`i - staying on the land where you were born, because you were taught from an early age to malama the `aina – care for your ancestral land.

All around her things are changing – and not for the better. Multi-national corporations building developments on the shore and then stealing the water from agricultural lands for their projects.

Yet none of this stops her.

Be sure and catch our visit with Aunty Pele. You’ll be as inspired as we were by this remarkable kupuna who stops at nothing and whose message is one you’ll long remember – “We accepted everyone who came to Hawai`i. Now they should reciprocate by protecting and caring for what we have.”

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Please consider a donation today to help further our work. Every single penny counts.

You may donate via PayPal at or by mail –
The Koani Foundation

PO Box 1878

Lihu`e, Kaua`i 96766

If you missed a show, want you see your favorites again or you don’t live in Hawai`i, here’s how to view our shows anytime – visit and simply click on the episodes you wish to view.

And for news on issues that affect you, watch