Sunday, April 27, 2008


A very big mahalo to all who have contacted us to say, “the pieces are beginning to fit,” when watching Voices Of Truth and Free Hawai`i TV.

With this weeks’ appointment of the former commander of the US Pacific Fleet to run the Superferry, it’s now blatantly obvious the Superferry has been primarily a military operation from the outset.

The ability to land US military equipment on any of Hawai`i’s islands at a moments notice was their plan all along.

We’ve reported that one simple fact on Free Hawai`i TV from the beginning.

Now couple that with our recent Voices Of Truth guests who stress not only malama ka `aina (preserving the land,) but something else getting bigger every day - the growing awareness that all land title in Hawai`i is clouded.

All of a sudden you begin to see why the US occupying force wants the military capability the Superferry affords – more and more of Hawai`i’s citizens, people who love their land, awakening to a realization the US has no legal title to land in Hawai`i even by their own laws.

The Hawai`i state supreme court recently acknowledged this fact in their decision referencing the 1993 Apology Resolution when ruling ceded lands may not be sold or transferred.

We’ll be explaining this and a whole lot more coming this Wednesday on Free Hawai`i TV – don’t miss it.

By the way if you support our issues on the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network, please email this to a friend and see below how you can help us continue our work.

And because we’ve received so much positive feedback on our visit with Earl Louis, we’re airing it on all islands this week.

Earl’s one of those who knows not only who really owns the land in Hawai`i, but whose responsible for taking care of it. If you want to see both humility and strength in action, don’t miss him this week on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, April 28th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, May 2nd At 5:30 PMHawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
TUESDAY, April 29th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, April 30th At 6:30 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
THURSDAY, May 1st At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, May 2nd At 8:30 AM
Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
SATURDAY, May 3rd At 8:00 PM O`ahu - `Olelo, Channel 53
“Continuing The Quest – A Visit With Earl Louis”

Living his entire life of 43 years in Punalu`u, on Hawai`i Island, Earl has seen a lot of changes.

Located in the district of Ka`u, he tells us Punalu`u sees more development and tourists practically every day.

A fierce advocate for preserving the last uninhabited coastline on Hawai`i Island, Earl knows both the good and bad news - Punalu`u is not only beautiful but easily accessible.

“Why should we cater to people who want to destroy this land with more resorts and condominiums?”

That’s the question Earl confronts on a daily basis.

Fertilizers from resort golf courses flow to the ocean, killing off the limu (seaweed) that is food for both the fish and Hawksbill turtle that come to nest on Punalu`u beaches and lay their eggs.

Earl’s mission of trying to save the entire eighty-mile coastline might seem daunting to some.

To him, it’s simply what must be done.

Join us in our amazing visit with Earl and you’ll experience what we did - a humble man whose words stay with you a very long time - “This is what the ancestors left for us thousands of years ago. We need to educate our visitors. They don’t know how special and sacred this `aina is. Development is not the only answer.”

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Please consider a donation today to help further our work. Every single penny counts.

You may donate via PayPal at or by mail –
The Koani Foundation
PO Box 1878
Lihu`e, Kaua`i 96766

If you missed a show, want you see your favorites again or you don’t live in Hawai`i, here’s how to view our shows anytime – visit and simply click on the episodes you wish to view.

And for news on issues that affect you, watch

It’s all part of the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network.