Monday, May 05, 2008


Honolulu Star-Bulletin May 4, 2000

In response to Robin Voorhies' May 2 letter "Everybody took land from someone else," I will repeat this again for all of the transplants who fail or simply refuse to face the facts that the Hawaiian people are the indigenous inhabitants of this land.

We, unlike other persons, did not steal this land from anyone.

We did not go into other people's countries with guns and cannons and forcibly take their land and possessions.

I also find it revealing that the writer puts Hawaiians on a equal footing with illegal aliens.

This only gives a clearer picture of the mindset of Voorhies and others who agree.

The writer further asks why we can't "just all get along."

Here is your answer - As long as such arrogance and hypocrisy exist, as long as people who have been profoundly wronged are flippantly told to "just get over it" and as long as justice is denied to the Hawaiian people, there will be no cessation of protest and civil disobedience.

Michelle Pokipala

Pahoa, Hawai`i