Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Hawai`i Free Press - February 14, 2009

In spite of short notice, sixty angry Hawaiians gathered at Hilo’s Keaukaha Elementary School Wednesday night to tell OHA trustees and members of the House Committee on Hawaiian Affairs what they think of OHA’s proposed ceded lands revenue settlement....

Just as with the 2008 settlement proposal, testimony in Hilo was 100% opposed to OHA receiving any ceded lands revenue.

Speakers were angry and emotional....

Most of those who spoke felt that OHA was taking from Hawaiians rather than giving to them. Said one: “After you guys take your cut, how does that affect the rest of us Hawaiians? We cannot make any more claims after that....”

That was one point those testifying at the hearing agreed on. As one explained: “You guys (OHA trustees) got the monetary value, we got the shaft. You stealing ‘em. You guys only topping off for yourselves.”

A Panaewa Hawaiian Homelands resident pointed out: “The ceded lands belong to God, not OHA.”

Another Hawaiian Homelands resident pointed out: “(When OHA was established in the 1978 ConCon) you changed to 49.9% and less (blood quantum) and my 25% children not going to get s*** from you guys.”

Keaukaha resident Albert Kalihi said, “Why not resolve it for the Hawaiian people (instead of for OHA)? I’m tired of being ignored. You wasting all of our time. I wish somebody would do something.”

Kilauea Marciel, a registered nurse said: “I don’t understand why the OHA is in charge of us and our complaints and our needs. Who do we go to that not on the State payroll? I go around begging for medicine to help homeless Hawaiians. OHA doesn’t help.”

Mililani Trask explained “OHA is a state agency guilty of breach of trust and mismanagement.” She argued that OHA’s policy of creating non-profit corporations to manage its growing property empire was a scheme to personally enrich individual trustees and create a power base for them at the expense of OHA’s Hawaiian beneficiaries....

Roy Takalao asked: “Why you going to steal for? Stealing is wrong.”

Read The Entire Article Here