Friday, February 13, 2015


Please forward this to all Hawaiians and our supporters.

Mahalo to everyone who submitted testimony in support of HB1252, the House of Representatives bill to repeal Act 195 and abolish the Native Hawaiian Roll.

Despite massive response to the House from all of you in support of HB1252, House leadership has decided not to allow this bill a hearing. They have chosen to ignore your wishes.

However we do want to alert you to a House Resolution that is currently being fast-tracked in the House, HCR33.

House Concurrent Resolution 33 requests the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) to assist the state legislature in moving forward with nation-building, and specifically to submit a plan to create a “sovereign Native Hawaiian governing entity.”

You may view HCR33 in itʻs entirety here -

Here is where to go to view the status of HCR33 -

We wish to point out that HCR33 is a resolution not a a bill, so if passed it will just express the intent of the State Legislature. 

Nevertheless, it is the next step in the US federal recognition scheme.

OHA has named a “consortium” consisting of the Lunalilo Trust, Hale O Na Ali`i, and `Ahahui Ka`ahumanu to be the “decision-makers” to form the sovereign Native Hawaiian governing entity.

Meanwhile, as we recently brought to your attention, the newly announced “partnership” consisting of the Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA); the Sovereign Councils of the Hawaiian Home Lands Assemblies (SCHHA); and the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC), is planning to swoop in, take over, and for $3.5-5 million funding dollars from OHA, come up with their plan for this sovereign Native Hawaiian governing entity. 

Highly reliable sources have informed us the CNHA has been lobbying heavily to get HCR33 rushed through the legislative process.

Therefore we ask you to oppose any hearings for HCR33 TODAY
If HCR33 gets a hearing, it will first be in the House of Representatives Ocean, Marine Resources & Hawaiian Affairs committee chaired by Rep. Kaniela Ing.

It is vitally important that you email committee chair Rep. Kaniela Ing at TODAY.

Tell him you oppose HCR33

Urge him to NOT hear HCR33.

Here is a sample email message to use -


I oppose any hearings for HCR33.

The creation of a Native Hawaiian governing entity is not needed since the Hawaiian Kingdom legally still exists.

Moreover Hawaiians and Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals expressed their overwhelming opposition to both US federal recognition and a Native Hawaiian governing entity this last summer during the US Dept. of Interior hearings throughout Hawai`i

HCR33 is simply another underhanded attempt by a small minority of power seekers like the Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement who do not represent the majority of Hawaiians but who would profit handsomely if a Native Hawaiian governing entity was created.

I stand opposed to HCR33 and demand NO hearings be scheduled for this resolution.
