Saturday, August 08, 2015


WHEN - Sunday, August 9, 10:00am

WHERE - Start, Saratoga Rd. | End, Kapiʻolani Park

Wear RED or come early to get one of the 500 free red shirts being given away

Bring signs, banners, flags, pu kani, kihei, etc.

Bring water.

PARKING - Parking lots B & C at KCC have been reserved. We are trying to also
reserve some parking near the bandstand but so far that's a no go.

SHUTTLES - QLCC and Hale Mua O Maui sponsored two shuttles that will run from Waianae to Saratoga, and two from Nanakuli to Saratoga. 

The meeting places for these shuttles are Maili Beach Park and Nanakuli Beach Park. 

The shuttles will leave for Saratoga at 7am and will return at 5pm.

There are also two shuttles and two trolley that will run from KCC to Saratoga starting at 8am and ending at 10am. 

The shuttles will stop at Kapiolani Park to pick up anyone that needs a ride to the starting point.

The return shuttles will run from Kapiolani Park to KCC starting at 12pm, ending at 4pm.

KUPUNA TROLLEY - During the march we will have two trolleys reserved for Kupuna who are unable to walk down Kalakaua. 

The two trolleys can only accommodate approximately 80 kupuna. Seats will be given on a first come, first serve basis.

For updates on shuttle service text text UZ6ND8 to 24587.

Contact with any questions.