Saturday, March 24, 2018


TO: OHA Chair Colette Machado
TO: All OHA Trustees

RE: Your Fiduciary Obligations to the Beneficiaries, all Beneficiaries, not just those with merit--inside dealing and special self-interest appeal

I want to first and foremost mahalo all of the Trustees that showed up for the Board of Trustees Meeting on March 22, 2018 at 10:00 am.

Most importantly, I want extend my deepest and sincerely aloha to the Trustees that voted to Terminate CEO Kamana`opono Crabbe's contract effective immediately.

At the same time, I want to express my disappointment to the Trustees that voted to keep CEO Kamana`opono Crabbe's contract active and alive. It's you that I believe are the complicit Trustees that supported the CEO with his self-interest dealings (non-competitive grants each over $25,000, CEO sponsorships for $25,000 or less--which some of you may or may not have directly or indirectly benefited, procurement contracts, etc.)

It's the complicit Trustees that know that if the CEO is terminated, the 170 employees of OHA that live paycheck to paycheck--paying mortgage, car payments, children's school tuition & fees, etc--and who cannot currently afford to be a part of the movement to bring Truth and Transparency to OHA-- would feel safe to speak about what they know and have seen at OHA.

It's only by keeping the CEO in a position of power, with the power to terminate any employee that speaks and share the information they have about corruption, that you are also therefore protected as well.

Shame on you for allowing this type of environment to continue to exist at OHA, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Shame on you for also keeping the incompetent and complicit Board Counsel Robert Klein. 

It's under his poor counsel that you never settled with Trustee Akana years ago, but instead paid $800,000 for a written apology letter. 

It's under his poor counsel that you sued the Office of Information Practices, and lost. 

It's under his poor counsel that the CEO's contract was renewed in November 2016. 

It's under his poor counsel that the F.B.I. is in OHA's hale.

Shame on you!

E hana kokou to the pono Trustees. E hana kakou.

Germaine Meyers
OHA Beneficiary for Beneficiary Advocacy and Empowerment and Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead Lessee