Saturday, December 14, 2019


Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.  

Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.

What does “nationality” mean?

The term “nationality” refers to one’s identity with and allegiance to a particular country. It is about one’s political affiliation, not oneʻs ethnicity or race or culture.

What does “national” mean?

The term “national” is used to refer to oneʻs nationality — what country a person is from — as in: Japanese national, or Swiss national, Cuban national, etc. National is also a generic term used whether one is a “citizen” (belonging to a republic) or a “subject” (belonging to a monarchy).

What is a “Hawaiian National”?

A Hawaiian national is someone who is a subject of the Hawaiian Kingdom; someone who identifies with, professes and maintains allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Like the standard for nationality throughout the world, a Hawaiian national is either (1) descended from a Hawaiian national; (2) born within the territory of the Hawaiian Islands; or (3) took legal steps to declare his/her allegiance — to become ‘naturalized’ — to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

A Hawaiian national assumes all rights, benefits, responsibilities and obligations according to Hawaiian Kingdom laws. A minor child of a Hawaiian national has all the rights and benefits of Hawaiian nationality applicable to his or her age.

What are the current drawbacks?

The U.S. government and its puppet “State of Hawaii” use devious and strong-arm tactics to suppress the truth. They punish those who question, challenge and otherwise expose the fact that the U.S. is actually holding the Hawaiian Kingdom and its people as a captive nation.

This means that at the present time, Hawaiian nationals who donʻt want to be part of the U.S. system are not free to carry on everyday functions such as driving cars, conducting major business transactions, traveling inter-island, banking, etc. without being harassed or prosecuted by the Feds or State agents. Unless they can find alternate ways to live “below the radar,” Hawaiian nationals living in their own country risk being treated as illegal aliens or criminals.

The tide is turning

But the tide is starting to turn. It’s getting better. Years of persistent, sacrificial acts of resistance by Hawaiian patriots mounting legal, moral, social and political challenges to the present system are slowly causing the U.S. to back down to avoid direct legal confrontations that challenge their jurisdiction. (e.g. TMT)

At the same time, Hawaiians are stepping out of captivity and boldly challenging the U.S. by rejecting the imposed U.S. nationality and reclaiming their Hawaiian nationality. The nation is standing up to be recognized.

International awareness of the Hawaii situation is growing and it won’t be long before pressure builds enough for the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom to re-emerge as a free nation, putting an end to the political persecution Hawaiian nationals have had to endure.

Hawaiʻi loa kū like kākou! All Hawaiʻi stand together!

NOTE – We are in a critical time of moving to the next stage of rebuilding our country. Your kokua is needed! Imua! 

The Campaign to Free Hawai`i is funded by people like YOU…

We cannot do this crucial work without your help… your kokua.

It takes funding to make these important accomplishments happen and we deeply appreciate all financial contributions, large or small.

Any amount you contribute will make a huge impact on our ability to continue this work (and can be tax-deductible if needed).

We have much to accomplish in 2019 and your contributions toward that are very important and needed.

Your KŌKUA is greatly appreciated!
To contribute, go to -

Also... Just in time for Christmas gift-giving...
Check out the great FREE HAWAII stuff you can purchase HERE

All proceeds go to help the cause.

Malama pono,
Leon Siu 

Hawaiian National