Monday, August 10, 2020

Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom.  

Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.

Two Hawaiian Kingdom Celebrations
Two of the most important holidays we celebrate every year throughout the Hawaiian Kingdom are Lā Ho`iho`i Ea - Sovereignty Restoration Day (July 31) and Lā Ku`oko`a – Independence Day (November 28)

Ten days ago on July 31, we had an awesome celebration of Lā Ho`iho`i Ea. There were many postings all over social media of the festivities at Thomas Square, all around Hawai`i nei and even around the world.

And we look forwaerd to Lā Ku`oko`a – Independence Day at the end of November.

The Statehood Admission Scam
On the other hand, the Fake State of Hawaii, has an event that they sorta, kinda observe that happens parallel to our Hawaiian Kingdom holidays. That is: Hawai`i Admission Day – Statehood Day (August 21).

In the late 1950ʻs the US was worried that under its obligations to the United Nations Charter they would be forced to allow the people of their two most precious “possessions”, Alaska and Hawai`i the right to choose their future governance... even independence would be on the table.  Alaska and Hawaii were two “possessions” the US did not ever want to lose to independence. So the US cooked up a scheme: They would conduct rigged plebiscites in “The Territory of Alaska” (1958) and “Territory of Hawai`i” (1959) to make it appear that the people give their consent to becoming “states” of the United States of America. It was a major scam, but at the time, the US got away with it. As a result, in 1959, Alaska and Hawai`i were inducted into the US as the 49th and 50th States respectively... and the United Nations accepted it as a valid political resolution for those two American “territories”.

This is where we have been stuck. But over the years we have gathered the evidence to prove it was a scam… all we have to do is expose it in the right venue…

UPDATE... We are about to trigger an investigation at the United Nations that will reveal that, since 1946, the UN had been scandalously scammed by the US with regard to Hawai`i. The findings of the investigation would cause the withdrawal of international support to the United States ʻ claim to the Hawaiian Islands. The United States ʻ claim would collapse and they will be forced by mounting pressure of us Hawaiian patriots and the international community, to withdraw its claim — and its presence — from our country in a peaceful and orderly manner.

The more we stand as a nation and assert the Hawaiian Kingdom is alive and kicking, the more obvious the U.S. false claim becomes, the sooner there will be a Free Hawai`i.


Ua Ola ke Ea – Sovereignty Lives
Celebrating the Hawaiian Kingdom – Past, Present and Future
Kick-off date: September 2, 2020 Queen Lili`uokalani’s Birthday...
If you are (or if you know of someone who is) interested in helping facilitate any aspect of “Ua Ola ke Ea,” please contact:

Please join the ku`e action to rename McKinley High School and to remove the offensive statue -

The campaign to Free Hawaii continues to grow ... as soon as this pandemic subsides, we expect significant movement in gaining support from the global community. Your kokua is vital to this effort...

Your kōkua, large or small, is much appreciated and will help greatly to move this work forward.
To contribute, go to

To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, clerical help, etc...) email us at

Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase HERE


All proceeds go to help the cause.

Mahalo Nui Loa!
Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National