Monday, December 14, 2020


Keeping in touch and updated on activities regarding the restoration of Ke Aupuni o Hawai`i, the Hawaiian Kingdom. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono.










The proposal to change the name of President McKinley High School has caused us to realize just how deep and pervasive the denationalization effort was. With the fake annexation, Hawaii’s school system was hijacked to denigrate and erase any reference to the Hawaiian Kingdom as a thriving sovereign nation. That also meant denigrating the people, their culture and dignity.
The denationalizing started in 1896 with the fake “Republic of Hawaii” making Hawaii schools English-speaking only. The next year, the Republic mounted an all out campaign to get the McKinley-backed “treaty of annexation” ratified by the U.S. Senate. But the people of Hawaii objected and resoundingly defeated it in Washington, DC with the massive Kūʻe Petition and with skillful lobbying by the Queen. But, less than a year after that huge victory, McKinley and his cronies cheated. In 1898, under cover of the Spanish-American War they concocted a joint resolution of Congress and passed it off as a “treaty of annexation.”
After the fake annexation, an America-centric curriculum was used to brainwash the children whose parents and grandparents just a few years before had signed the Kūʻe Petition. Then in 1907, while the Queen and nearly all of the Aloha ‘Āina who loved her and their country — were still living, the hijackers renamed Hawaii’s premier public school, Honolulu High School, calling it President William McKinley High School to honor their man in Washington who delivered the illegal annexation. From then on, all Hawaii students were taught to be submissive, patriotic, English-speaking Americans.
The naming of McKinley High School was part of the strategy to solidify, celebrate and gloat over making Hawaii into a US Territory; to discourage Hawaiian resistance and efforts to fight from within the system with the Home Rule Party.
President McKinley not only unlawfully took and subjugated our country, he created the template for the nasty American habit of bullying and regime changes in countries all around the world.

The point is: Were you taught the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom? I know I wasnʻt.
Back in high school, if you asked me the following questions, I would have totally flunked.
Do students today know the answers?
Who founded the Hawaiian Kingdom? When?
What is Hawaiian Kingdom Declaration of Rights? Who Issued it? When?
Who issued the first Constitution? When?
What kind of monarchy was it?
What is Lā Kūʻokoʻa?
What is Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea?
How many monarchs were there? What are their names?
What was the official language of Hawaii?
What was the rate of literacy in Hawaii?
When did the public school system start in Hawaii?
How about from the overthrow to the present?
The Overthrow… What happened? Who/what caused it? Who were the players?
What was the Provisional Government?
What percentages of the population supported or opposed the annexation to the U.S.?
What percentage of the population supported the Queen?
Did you know that...?
In 1893, just five days after he was inaugurated, President Cleveland withdrew the proposed treaty of annexation from Senate ratification?
Princess Ka’iulani had a high-level meeting with President Cleveland just nine days after he took office?
President Cleveland sent an investigator to Hawaii to gather the facts of the overthrow?
President Cleveland addressed Congress and officially repudiated the overthrow?
President Cleveland and Queen Lili’uokalani negotiated an Executive Agreement to affect the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom? (But the US never executed their part of the agreement.)
The traitors formed a rogue country called the Republic of Hawaii?
McKinley was a White-Supremacist who used the doctrine of Manifest Destiny to take Hawaii?
The Spanish American War was cover for the fake annexation of Hawaii?
The largest military command in the world is based in Hawaii?
There was a Philippine-American War? Its outcome profoundly impacted Hawaii and the world…?
The “Statehood vote” was bogus?
Hawaii is not really a State of the United States?

The more we stand as a nation and assert the Hawaiian Kingdom is alive and kicking, the more obvious the U.S. false claim becomes and the sooner we will be a Free Hawaii.
Please join the ku’e action to rename McKinley High School and to remove the offensive statue by signing this online petition.


Ua Ola ke Ea – Sovereignty Lives
A Year to Celebrate the Hawaiian Kingdom – Past, Present and Future
Still in the process of ramping up…
If you are (or if you know of someone who is) interested in helping facilitate any aspect of “Ua Ola ke Ea,” please contact:


The campaign to Free Hawaii continues to gain momentum ... 

Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort...

To contribute, go to:
To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, clerical help, etc...) email us at

Also... Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase HERE  

All proceeds go to help the cause. Mahalo Nui Loa! 


Malama Pono, 

Leon Siu 

Hawaiian National