Friday, July 05, 2024


The Impact Of FestPac, Also Why Is RIMPAC A Huge Problem For Hawaii? Then How The Victory Over The Planned Honokea Wave Pool Happened Plus An Update From Maui On More Burial Desecration At The Grand Wailea, A Report From The UN In Geneva, Switzerland & A Special Kumu Hinaʻs Manaʻo.

The July “Free Hawaii News” airing this Friday night, July 5th at 6 PM on `Olelo Television Channel 53 on O`ahu and online at has reports from Honolulu, Maui, Kaua`i and the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland.

Our Free Hawaii News hosts are some of the hardest working television anchors in Hawaii with their globe-trotting reports throughout Hawaii as well as from Geneva, Switzerland in our July episode.

“The Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture was a huge success held for the first time ever in Hawaii and both Leon Siu and I were there to witness it,” says Free Hawaii News co-host Hinaleimoana Wong. “FestPac 2024 made a significant impact in the hearts and minds of not only Hawaiians, but all peoples of Oceania and Leon and I explain why itʻs such a big part of the Pacific Way and where we go from here.”

We also feature a special segment with co-host Leon Siu reporting from the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. “Hawai`i is making excellent progress in explaining to UN member countries why the Hawaiian Islands have never been a part of the US and what they can do to help restore Hawai`iʻs independence,” remarks Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu.

We also report on why RIMPAC is encountering significant opposition, how the Honokea Wave Pool was defeated, Hawaiian burial desecration on Maui and a very special Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o segment.

Free Hawaii News presents Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of topics and issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world. Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs every month on `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu, on all neighbor islands and on stations around the world. Check local listings for times.

Hinaleimoana Wong is a kumu hula, filmmaker, cultural activist, Hawaiian language speaker, preservationist and community leader. She has served as a member of the O`ahu Island Burial Council.

Leon Siu has for many years served as Foreign Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He is active in that role at the United Nations in both New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Besides being a diplomat, he is also an award-winning musician, composer and political analyst.

“Free Hawaii News” is online at, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.