Friday, August 02, 2024


What Happens When Hawaiians Take A Stand For Protecting Their Homeland, The Controversy Over A New Caretaker For The Royal Mausoleum At Mauna Ala, The Latest Progress For Hawaiians At The United Nations & A New Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o


The August “Free Hawaii News” airing tonight, August 2nd at 6 PM on `Olelo Television Channel 53 on O`ahu and online at reports on two more court victories which emphasize protecting Hawaiian sacred places and resources.

“The legal setback which stops planned development of a new Coco Palms resort on Kaua`i and a big court victory for returning water to the Na Wai Eha streams on Maui highlight important progress being made to protect Hawaiian sacred places and preserving Hawai`iʻs resources,” says Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu. “As we report in our Pacific Way segment, these kinds of victories are what happens when Hawaiians take a stand to protect our homeland.”

We also feature a special report with co-host Hinaleimoana Wong who interviews revered kumu hula Lehua Kawaikapuokalani Hewett about the recent controversy surrounding the appointment of a non-lineal kahu or caretaker of the Royal Mausoleum at Mauna Ala. “For the first time ever protocol is being ignored and broken as well as tradition going back many generations over the protection of the iwi or bones of our beloved Ali`i who rest at Mauna Ala,” remarks Free Hawaii News co-host Hinaleimoana Wong.

We also update on progress for Hawaiians at the United Nations and a new Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o segment.

Free Hawaii News presents Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of issues and topics affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world. Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs every month on `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu, on all neighbor islands and on stations around the world. Check local listings for times.

Hinaleimoana Wong is a kumu hula, filmmaker, cultural activist, Hawaiian language speaker, preservationist and community leader. She has served as a member of the O`ahu Island Burial Council.

Leon Siu has for many years served as Foreign Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He is active in that role at the United Nations in both New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Besides being a diplomat, he is also an award-winning musician, composer and political analyst.

“Free Hawaii News” is online at, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.