A Nation Returning...
One hundred and thirty-two years ago, on January 16, 1893, a rogue US diplomat ordered the landing of a company of fully armed troops from the naval warship USS Boston in Honolulu Harbor. They marched down King Street and positioned themselves with their canons and other formidable weapons pointed directly at Iolani Palace. They were there so that thirteen greedy white businessmen-insugents could seize control the Hawaiian Kingdom...
To defuse the situation and save her people from needless bloodshed, Queen Liliʻuokalani issued a temporary conditional yield. The yield was addressed to the United States, not to the insurgents. It was in the form of a diplomatic protest citing the United States’ illegal military intrusion as an unlawful act of aggression, an international wrongful act. Such a yield under protest placed the responsibility to repair the wrongful act squarely on the shoulders of the President of the United States. The sitting (but outgoing) president, Benjamin Harrison, ignored the Queen’s protest and signed a treaty of annexation (with the insurgents) to acquire the Hawaiian Islands. He sent the treaty to the US Senate for ratification.
But before they could do so, a new US president, Grover Cleveland was inaugurated. Within a few days of taking office, he withdrew the “Treaty of Annexation” from the Senate. A few days later, he received Princess Kaʻiulani at the White House and assured her he would look into the matter. Within a few days of that meeting, he appointed former US Representative James Blount to head an investigation of the regime change in Hawaii. Seven months later after an exhaustive, on-the-ground official investigation, President Cleveland in an address to the U.S. Congress stated that a United States diplomat and US armed forces had committed a wrongful act of aggression against the lawful Hawaiian Kingdom government and that the aggression amounted to an illegal “act of war” against a friendly, sovereign nation. He further stated that U.S. had a moral and legal obligation to repair the wrong by restoring Queen Liliʻuokalani and the lawful government of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
President Cleveland and Queen Lili’uokalani had agreed to terms to settle the matter. But, he left it up to the U.S. Congress to implement. Tragically, they have failed to implement the settlement and after 22 presidents and 44 congressional sessions, to this day, it remains not only unfinished business, but a forgotten obligation.
Instead of honoring that 1893 agreement, the United States, in 1898, did the exact opposite. Under then-President William McKinley, and under cover of the infamous Spanish-American War, the U.S. concocted and staged a quasi “annexation” and took possession of the Hawaiian Islands calling it the “U.S. Territory of Hawaii”. In 1959, that fake “Territory of Hawaii” was converted into the fake “State of Hawaii”.
During the “territorial” days, every effort was made to erase any vestige of Hawaii’s sovereignty, the illegal overthrow/act of war of 1893, the illegal “annexation” of 1898 and the ongoing illegal occupation. But in the 1970s Hawaiians began to awaken and peer through the veil of lies and deceit…
Today, after five decades of dedicated, sacrificial efforts by countless Aloha ʻĀina (Hawaiʻi patriots) to uncover the truth about the US belligerent occupation of our homeland, thankfully, the return of the Hawaiian Kindom is now in sight.
As we take the time on January 17, to attend the Peace March from the Royal Mausoleum at Maunaʻala and the ʻOnipaʻa Rally at ʻIolani Palace, and stand for the restoration of our nation, we also set our minds to advancing our Lāhui into the future. Let’s remind ourselves, our ʻohana and our friends, that we are the legacy — the evidence and heirs — and the visionaries and builders for future generations of the living Hawaiian Kingdom...
Ua Ola Ke Ea! Sovereignty Lives!
Aloha ʻĀina —
“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani
Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono.
The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 7 PM, the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53.
"Remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom, check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media."
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Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National