Friday, March 11, 2005


The Maui News - Wednesday, March 9th

The March 3 editorial in support of the Akaka Bill quoted Gov. Linda Lingle's testimony saying that annexation "effectively subordinated the Native Hawaiian government to the federal government.
Hence the United States' relationship to the people governed by the Native Hawaiian government was political, not racial, in nature."

One problem with this statement (aside from the fact that the government wasn't actually "subordinated" but simply made ineffective while its territory was occupied) is that it was not a Native Hawaiian government, anymore than the state government today is a Native Hawaiian government or the government of the United States is a European-American government.

A review of the naturalization registry of the Hawaiian kingdom reveals naturalized Hawaiian citizens from China, Great Britain, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Hungary, Prussia, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Samoa, Africa, Jamaica, Canada, India, the United States, etc.

Children born in Hawai'i were automatically citizens regardless of their race or their parents' place of origin. Citizens of all races voted for [and served in] the government. So it is just plain wrong to say Hawai'i had a "Native Hawaiian government" under the Hawaiian kingdom.

I am arguing against the Akaka Bill, but I'm not arguing against sovereignty.

True sovereignty is the restoration of Hawaii's independence where once again people of all races who so choose can be naturalized and enjoy rights and protections in the multiracial independent country of Hawai'i, consistent with Hawai'i's history.

Scott Crawford