Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Inter-Tribal Council Announces Plan To Go Before U.N.

Anchorage, Alaska - If Alaska Natives are right, then Alaska really is Seward's folly.

The Alaska Inter-Tribal Council made a stunning announcement: it plans to take the United States before the United Nations this summer.

It's a case that could overturn the 1867 treaty by which the United States bought Alaska from Russia.

A document submitted to the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission last month contends that “the United States is not sovereign in Alaska or Hawai`i.”

It says that in 1959, at the time of statehood, the United States “misled the United Nations” about how it acquired Alaska and Hawai`i.

Resolution 2005-10, which claims that Alaska and Hawai`i are not states, will be formally argued before the Human Rights Commission in Geneva this July.

“These indigenous organizations are asserting that the territory of Alaska Natives nation and the kingdom of Hawai`i were deprived of their right to consent to being annexed into the United States,” said Judge Mary Ann Mills, a Kenaitze Athabascan.