Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Maui News - April 7, 2010

HONOLULU - The Hawai`i Senate sunk an idea Tuesday that would have studied the creation of a state-sponsored ferry service between the islands.

After the failure of the short-lived Hawai`i Superferry, senators weren't eager to try again. The full Senate killed the bill on a 17-8 vote....

...Senator Sam Slom said a government ferry service wouldn't stand a chance of succeeding after the privately run Superferry went bankrupt a year ago....

...The Hawai`i Superferry, the state's first interisland car and passenger service, shut down last year after the state Supreme Court ruled the company couldn't operate until an environmental review was completed. Without revenues, the Superferry said the expenses of maintaining its two vessels forced the company into bankruptcy....
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