Tuesday, May 11, 2010


One of the biggest lies perpetuated is when Hawai`i achieves nationhood once again it will be at the expense of everyone else.

But no one will be kicked out; their businesses seized or their homes and property confiscated.

Instead, everyone, Hawaiians and all others, will be citizens of the sovereign and independent Nation of Hawai`i.

The Hawaiian Nation included people of many ethnic backgrounds that were loyal citizens before the illegal overthrow and it will be so again.

Think of it this way - Hawai`i will simply undergo a change of management.

The truth is a sovereign Hawaiian nation will need the contributions and talents of all of its citizens to remain viable in the world. Hawaiians would be no better than the very supremacists that overthrew and occupied them were they to divide people by race.

Hawaiians have always been inclusive, not exclusive.

Some say, "but you cannot secede from the US. It's not allowed."

Unlike the southern US states, the Kingdom of Hawai`i and its citizens never agreed to become part of the United States in the first place.

Therefore a move for Hawai`i to secede from the US would be unnecessary and inappropriate.

Much like removing the top coat of paint to reveal the one underneath, the US Congress, after consultation between Hawaiians and the US at the level of state to state, could simply enact a US federal law that dissolves the entity known as the “state government” in Hawai`i.

What would be left in its place is what has existed all along anyway without interruption – the Nation of Hawai`i.

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