Friday, February 16, 2007


USA Ignores International Laws & Treaties

Simply put, this means a restoration of our powers through deoccupation by the US of Hawai`i.

The Akaka bill, federal recognition, or nation within a nation is not an option since it's an illusion which does not accurately define a nation.

Therefore it lacks legal basis to create such a domestic entity.

One cannot shove the baby back into a mother's womb once it is born.

The only way the US can have the baby is through an adoption process from a willing mother, but Hawai`i never gave the US permission to take it over.

Thus, the only option is the restoration of Hawai`i's Independence once the US deoccupies our nation-state and Hawai`i takes it place once again in the international arena.

This is not a begging for recognition; this is demanding that redress takes place as justice served.

After all, the only reason the US coveted the Hawaiian Kingdom in the first place was for its naval expansion and dominance in the Pacific and Hawai`i as an expendable outpost to protect its Western Coast.

The only logical recourse is deoccupation and restoring the external sovereignty of the Hawaiian Nation.