Sunday, February 24, 2008


Everyone who attended yesterday’s ceded lands hearing at the Hawai`i legislature heard the Office of Hawaiian Affairs trying to get you to believe it’s a good deal for Hawaiians – just give up a little land in exchange for some other land and millions of dollars.

Yet OHA remains an agent of the US occupying force, bent on undermining the sovereignty and independence of Hawai`i Nationals, and therefore the entire land base.

“It’s just the latest insult in 115 years since the Hawaiian lands were stolen and the spoils of the theft were passed down to ensuing puppet governments - a smoke screen to justify the fact that this was ill-gotten, stolen, property," is what one attendant reminded legislators.

But sometimes things become really simple. Here's the #1 reason to oppose this deal -

An OHA staffer was asked recently in a public meeting if some of the money awarded in the settlement would go towards Kau Inoa, the OHA native Hawaiian registry being used to support and promote the Akaka Bill, which would effectively end all hopes of independence.

He replied some of it likely would.

So once again OHA’s true intent is quickly revealed – using your beneficiary dollars to directly sabotage your family’s future.

If you haven’t already, be sure and check out the brand new Akaka bill website,

Whether you want to educate yourself and your `ohana or learn how to explain in simple terms to others why this US federal legislation would be so dangerous, visit

In short, is a quick and easy way to discover the truth about the plan to legitimize the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation, and exactly who would benefit from it and why.

If you support our issues on the Free Hawai`i Broadcasting Network, please email this to a friend and see below how you can help us continue our work.

Remember to stay tuned to Free Hawai`i TV this week for any breaking news on these important issues.

And for prime examples of individuals who are working for the Hawaiian nation, grab a seat, sit down and watch our featured guests this week on Voices Of Truth – One-On-One With Hawai`i’s Future.

MONDAY, February 25th At 7:00 PM & FRIDAY, February 29th At 5:30 PM Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53
“Hale Halawai – Monument To Activists – A Visit With Soli Papakihei Niheu”

People were concerned about longtime Hawaiian political activist Soli Papakihei Niheu.

In poor health and living in an old one-room structure in Waimea, his friends knew he needed something better.

So they decided to act. They collected contributions, both money and materials, and soon had enough resources to build him a new house.

That’s when Soli stepped forward to let them know he didn’t want a house.

Instead he wanted the one thing missing in Hawai`i that’s common throughout most other islands in the Pacific - a hale halawai.

Similar to the Maori marae in Aotearoa, (New Zealand,) hale halawai is a formal meeting place to receive and host visitors from far and wide, through Hawaiian protocol and hospitality.

Soli saw his hale halawai as a place to host sovereignty movement activists from all over Te Moana Nui – The Polynesian Triangle.

Because Soli had dedicated his life to serving others, they knew they now had to do the same thing for him.

So they built it for him.

In our moving and highly inspirational visit with Soli, you’ll hear him tell his story and see the pictures for yourself of how his hale halawai became reality. Surviving two earthquakes and many other challenges, Soli persevered in his vision of having both a monument to his heroes, the early pioneers of the sovereignty movement, as well as a place for today to teach the young.

TUESDAY, February 26th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, February 27th At 6:30 AM Maui – Akaku, Channel 53
SATURDAY, March 1st At 8:00 PM O`ahu - `Olelo, Channel 53
“Hidden In The Forest – A Visit With Dr. Baron Kaho`ola Ching”

Deep in a rain forest in Nu`uanu Valley sits one of the most remarkable sites in all Hawai`i.

Imagine a place lost in time and space to the modern world – Kaniakapupu.

A palatial summer residence for Kauikeaoli, Kamehameha III, Kaniakapupu was built over one hundred seventy years ago spanning twenty thousand acres.

Ka La Ho`i Ho`i Ea, Sovereignty Restoration Day, was celebrated on the site in 1843 with over ten thousand guests attending.

Several key documents in Hawaiian history were drafted there and many of Hawai`i’s future rulers visited the residence as children.

Then time swallowed up and forgot Kaniakapupu until one day a few years back Baron cut through thick bamboo forests to rediscover it for himself.

What he saw stopped him in his tracks.

Since then, Baron has overseen the caretaking of this astounding place that time forgot.

Whatever you do, don’t miss our visit with Baron to Kaniakapupu. One of the most unique places in all of Hawai`i, you’ll go with us hiking through dense rain forest as we come face to face ourselves with the ancient residence and artifacts left untouched for almost two centuries in this incredible voyage of rediscovery that is sure to take your breath away.

THURSDAY, February 28th At 8:30 PM & FRIDAY, February 29th At 8:30 AM Kaua`i – Ho`ike, Channel 52
“Every Feather A Prayer – A Visit With Uncle Helemano”

One day at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center where he worked, Uncle Helemano noticed an old kahili, the feathered standards of old Hawai`i, in need of repair.

He decided he would take it upon himself to learn the skills in order to repair it.

And that’s how Uncle became one of Hawai`i’s best-known contemporary kahili makers.

Naturally when we sat down with him to talk story, he told us some amazing things including who the very first kahili really were.

He also told us kahili marked parameters in the old days when ali`i were present, since ancient Hawai`i had no flags.

We saw right away there’s a lot more to it, since for Uncle creating kahili is not just about passing the culture down through the generations, “it’s also about a positive message to our people.”

Don’t miss our fascinating visit with Uncle Helemano as he actually shares with us his process of making kahili and also shows us some of his astonishing and unique one-of-a-kind pieces. You’ll see for yourself he puts positive thoughts and prayer into each and every feather.

Voices Of Truth interviews those creating a better future for Hawai`i to discover what made them go from armchair observers to active participants in the hopes of inspiring viewers to do the same.

Please consider a donation today to help further our work. Every single penny counts.

You may donate via PayPal at or by mail –
The Koani Foundation
PO Box 1878
Lihu`e, Kaua`i 96766

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