Sunday, June 22, 2014


Please forward this to every Hawaiian and our supporters.

Theyʻre getting worried - very worried.

On Friday, the US Dept. of Interior published new guidelines which changes the rules on acceptable testimony for DOI hearings in Hawai`i.

They want to make it as hard as they can for you to testify and give your mana`o.

Simply put, it is no longer acceptable to “Just Say NO!” to the proposed administrative rule changes.

DOI is now requiring that their five questions be answered during your testimony as well as WHY you feel that way.

So that everyone can give their mana`o and satisfy the new DOI requirements, here is a testimony template you may use that fulfills those requirements.

It was expertly written by attorney Ke`eaumoku Ka`iama and Keanu Sai.

Please feel free to use it.

Note - Should you choose to use the protest statement personally, you will have to make minor revisions (i.e. delete the "We" and decide whether to include or delete "Hawaiian National.”)

Declaration In Opposition to the U.S. Dept. of Interior’s
Proposed Government to Government’s Relationship
Between the U.S and Native Hawaiian Community

Acknowledging my/our deepest aloha and gratitude for the wondrous achievements of our Hawaiian Kingdom Kings, Queen Lili’uokalani and our kupuna, I/We, the undersigned [Hawaiian National(s)], hereby proclaim that:

I/ We object to and protest against the U.S. Department of Interior’s presence in Hawai`i, to convene scheduled hearings in June and July 2014 for the purpose of considering measures to establish a government to government relationship with the Native Hawaiian Community, as intervening in the internal and domestic affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom in violation of International law, the laws of occupation, U.S. Constitutional law and the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

The Hawaiian Kingdom’s existence as an independent state, among the family of nations, is undisputed, affirmed and many times reaffirmed by the conclusion of treaties, including treaties with the United States. Until relevant evidence of its extinguishment is established, the continuity of Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent state is presumed, thereby strictly prohibiting said interference in the affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the U.S. Department of Interior.

Accordingly, I/We call upon and demand that the U.S. DOI cease and desist the convening of all scheduled community hearings in Hawai’i and all actions, including all legislative, internal, administrative, or executive actions in furtherance of or to conclude the proposed government to government relationship between the United States and the Native Hawaiian Community.

By affixing our signatures to said proclamation, we affirm the memorial of the Hawaiian Patriotic League filed with the United States “Hawaiian Commission” for the creation of the territorial government in August 1898, to wit:

WHEREAS: By memorial the people of Hawaii have protested against the consummation of an invasion of their political rights, and have fervently appealed to the President, the Congress and the People of the United States, to refrain from further participation in the wrongful annexation of Hawai`i; and

WHEREAS: The Declaration of American Independence expresses that Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the representatives of a large and influential body of native Hawaiians, we solemnly pray that the constitutional government of the 16th day of January, A.D. 1893, be restored, under the protection of the United States of America.

Signed this ____day of June, 2014.

Your Name