Saturday, February 28, 2015


Please forward this to all Hawaiians and our supporters. 

We wish to bring your attention to two recent developments.

FIRST, Judicial Watch and the Grassroot Institute have recently filed a lawsuit against the Native Hawaiian roll for lack of transparency.

Both organizations have repeatedly requested a copy of the roll and have been denied each time.

The reason why Judicial Watch and the Grassroot Institute want a copy of the list is the same reason the roll commissioners are refusing to give it to them - they would then be able to examine the list to verify the vast majority of names on the roll were fraudulently transferred - being used without permission of those listed, despite former Hawai`i governor and roll commissioner John Waiheʻeʻs recent statement that 99% of all Kau Inoa registrants requested their names be transferred over to Kana`iolowalu.

Moreover Judicial Watch and the Grassroot Institute are also seeking financial accountability of the roll - something those in charge of the roll have steadfastly refused to disclose.

The lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch and the Grassroot Institute deserves everyoneʻs support because it will make the list public for all to see as well as force disclosure of exactly how many millions of Hawaiian beneficiary dollars have been squandered.

We urge you to contact the Native Hawaiian roll today at (808) 973-0099 and demand they publicly release the roll as well as issue a full financial disclosure.

SECOND - The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) leadersʻ decision to partner with the Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) and the Sovereign Councils of The Hawaiian Homelands Assembly (SCHHA) to implement “nation-building,” which of course is “code” for US federal recognition.

AHCC leadership joined this partnership without prior consent of Hawaiian Civic Club members to push those leadersʻ pro US federal recognition agenda regardless of costs or legality.

Because of this and after a thorough investigation, the AHCC Policy and Planning Committee has found AHCC leadershipʻs actions  to be a “dereliction of duty in violation of the AHCC’s Constitution and By-laws.”

This should be of grave concern to everyone, Hawaiian Civic Club member or not, because the AHCC Board presents themselves as the voice of all Hawaiians regarding “nation-building.“

We urge everyone to contact AHCC president Annelle Amaral today at and AHCC leadership at and let them know you support the findings of the AHCC Policy and Planning Committee.

Demand the AHCC leadership immediately remove themselves from this “nation-building” partnership.

Tell them you donʻt support their efforts and they donʻt speak for you.