Monday, September 25, 2023









Telling Our Story...
I’ve been “on the road” again. For the past two weeks I’ve been at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland attending the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council, where we continue to use the UN platform to raise the issue of rampant violations of political and human rights in Hawaii, a direct result of the United States’ illegal usurpation of our nation.

Over the years, many stories about our situation have been published in the international press, including the current issue of Diva International Diplomat, a magazine published at the UN in Geneva. (To read the story online, click here, and scroll to page 20) The timing of the story provided valuable support and credibility for my visit there. Articles like this go a long way in lending credence to our pursuit for a Free Hawaii.

But it’s not only these specialized foreign-affairs publications that mention our rejection of the United Statesʻ claim that it owns the Hawaiian Islands. Main-stream media has caught on to the real story too. For instance, nearly every story analyzing the Lāhainā fire — or surfing in the Olympics, or the Thirty-Meter Telescope, or over development, homelessness, the Hawaiian diaspora — whether it be the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, NPR, PBS, USA Today, The Guardian (London), Reuters, AP, Al Jazeera and other international press, invariably allude to (or plainly say) the fact that Hawaiiansʻ dispute the U.S. claims to Hawaii and are working to restore Hawaii as an independent nation.

It is out there! The media’s awareness has been piqued. Our story has legs. They are beginning to get a glimpse of our nation rising. Why is that?

Sure, for the past 50+ years, we have been in the trenches, resisting and protesting abuse of our ʻāina by the U.S. military; displacement of our people by encroaching development; calling attention to the injustice of an economic and political system that marginalizes and treats Hawaiians as illegal aliens in our own lands. We have been telling our story and challenging the U.S. in the political and legal arenas, seemingly to no avail.

But, what’s different now? Why is our story now being believed and given credence? I propose two reasons:

One: There is a growing aversion among the people of the world to the harmful greed and corruption of the global economic-political system imposed by powerful countries of the world. It’s an exploitative colonial system rooted in domination and “development” in the name of progress... and decent people are disgusted by it. 

Two: People all the world harbor profound Aloha for Hawaii. What? We always think of Aloha as a spirit-force that emanates from Hawaii and its people. But we don’t realize that spirit of Aloha is being reciprocated by people around the world, for Hawaii. Everyone I have ever met in my travels around the world has expressed a fascination and inexplicably deep love for Hawaii. It’s like in-bred and automatic. That’s why they are drawn here. Some of the people who care the most about what happens to Hawaii are those who have been here on what was essentially their personal pilgrimage the source of Aloha.

These two reasons are why people are much more receptive to our message of liberation for Hawaii. Now is the time to show them that our nation is alive and growing, that we have a vision for our future, and a plan on how to get there.

“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani
Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 
6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. 

"And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media."

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Malama Pono,

Leon Siu

Hawaiian National