Friday, November 03, 2023


Mauiʻs Continuing Recovery, What The Pacific Way Is In Times Of Tragedy, Significant Recent Progress For Hawaii At The United Nations & Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o

The November “Free Hawaii News” show airing tonight, November 3rd at 6 PM on `Olelo Television Channel 53 on O`ahu and online at reports on the ongoing difficulties Mauiʻs fire victims and their families face in being displaced by the fires.

“The people of West Maui and Lahaina while very brave, strong and resolute are nevertheless facing a fight for survival every single day,” states Free Hawaii News co-host Hinaleimoana Wong.

“With all of Maui now completely re-opened ahead of schedule, they can see that state and county governments have broken their promises to them and have prioritized for-profit businesses over the well-being of fire victims. Many are already being told their best option is to move off island entirely, either within Hawai`i or to cities in the United States such as Las Vegas.

“With several eye-witness reports, we get a first hand experience of what West-side and Lahaina residents are going through,” remarked Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu. “Just seeing these reports had a profound and emotional impact on both my co-host Hina Wong and me and we know it will also affect Free Hawaii News viewers the same way.”

Our November show also features an explanation of what important role the Pacific Way plays when tragedy strikes. We also have a report detailing significant and new progress for Hawaii at the United Nations as well as our popular segment, Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o.

Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs every month on `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu and on all neighbor islands. Check local listings for times.

The purpose of the show is to present Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of topics and issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world.

Hinaleimoana Wong is a kumu hula, filmmaker, cultural activist, Hawaiian language speaker, preservationist and community leader. She has served as a member of the O`ahu Island Burial Council.

Leon Siu has for many years served as Foreign Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He is active in that role at the United Nations in both New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Besides being a diplomat, he is also an award-winning musician, composer and political analyst.
he people of Maui are letting officials know in no uncertain terms what their expectations are in the recovery process, and itʻs one of putting people over profits,” states Free Hawaii News co-host Hinaleimoana Wong. “They are taking strong exception to the stateʻs current actions of listening to developers and the tourist industry first and west side Maui residents last.”

“They can see that state and county governments are breaking their promises to fire victims and as a result some residents are already starting to lose their temporary housing with no where else to go but on the streets.”

“In addition to eye-witness reports, we also interview Makaio Villanueva from O`ahu who was one of the many kia`i or protectors who traveled to Maui to assist in recovery efforts,” remarked Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu. “His time there was a life-changing experience as he explains in detail what it was like to be at the very center of the devastation.”

Our October show also features another installment of the Pacific Way and how everyone can best support recovery for west Maui residents. We also have a report detailing five important reasons why Hawaii is being represented at the United Nations as well as our popular segment, Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o.

Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs every month on `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu and on all neighbor islands. Check local listings for times.

The purpose of the show is to present Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of topics and issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world.

Hinaleimoana Wong is a kumu hula, filmmaker, cultural activist, Hawaiian language speaker, preservationist and community leader. She has served as a member of the O`ahu Island Burial Council.

Leon Siu has for many years served as Foreign Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He is active in that role at the United Nations in both New York City and Geneva, Switzerland. Besides being a diplomat, he is also an award-winning musician, composer and political analyst.

“Free Hawaii News” is online at, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.