"Hawai`iʻs Plantation Village - A Visit With Deanna Espinas"
With immigration being in the news these days we had a chance to see
what life was like for Hawai`iʻs immigrants during the plantation period
around the early 1900ʻs. We spent the afternoon at Hawai`iʻs Plantation
Village with Deanna Espinas who not only described what it would have
been like as an immigrant laborer in Hawai`iʻs sugar cane fields, but
also showed us amazing replicas of houses they lived in. As she
explained to us just how hard life had been back then, we quickly
wondered if any of us would have survived if we attempted that today.
Join us in our extraordinary visit with Deanna and youʻll both feel and
hear the voices of the past of those who gave up what they had to come
and start a new life in Hawai`i - Watch It Here
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