Friday, March 01, 2024


Plus See How A Newly Created Land Trust Is Protecting Properties Of Lahaina Fire Victims. Also A Fascinating Look At The Pacific Way To Care For Hawaii Instead Of Exploiting It, A Report On Why O`ahuʻs Water Is Still Not Safe To Drink, An Update On The Five Things Hawaiians Want At The UN, Plus Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o 


The March “Free Hawaii News” show airing tonight at 6 PM on `Olelo Television Channel 53 on O`ahu and online at reports reports on the dangers of deep sea mining & how to keep it out of Hawaiian waters.

“Deep sea mining is being called the ʻnew gold rushʻ with billions of dollars in profits for the taking, yet hardly anyone in Hawaii is aware of private companies plans to cash in,” states Free Hawaii News co-host Leon Siu. “If allowed, it would become an ecological disaster for our oceans and right now itʻs all way below the radar, so we have as a guest on our show an expert who explains how this could happen.”

We also travel to Maui to see how a newly created community land trust will work to protect the properties of Lahaina fire survivors.

“Keeping Lahaina lands in Lahaina hands is priority number one and we interview the president of the new Lahaina Community Land Trust to explain to our viewers how it all works,” remarked Siu.

Caring for Hawaiiʻs resources rather than exploiting them is the topic of our March Pacific Way segment, which focuses on how Pacific Islanders and Hawaiians specifically deal with problems and solutions culturally rather than in a western profit-based way.

Our March show also includes an update on why much of O`ahuʻs water supply is still not safe to drink due to the Red Hill water contamination disaster.

We also report on five important things Hawaiians want at the United Nations as well as our very popular Kumu Hinaʻs Mana`o.

Brought to you by the Koani Foundation, Free Hawaii News airs every month on `Ōlelo Television on O`ahu and on all neighbor islands. Check local listings for times. 

Free Hawaii News presents Hawaiian or kanaka maoli perspectives on a broad range of topics and issues affecting the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific and the world.

“Free Hawaii News” is online at, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.