Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Dear Editor Hawai`i Tribune-Herald,

Tuesday, January 17, marked another anniversary of the events that precipitated the overthrow of the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Queen Liliuokalani, under duress, and for the life of her people and country, provisionally abdicated her throne to the intelligence and integrity of the president of the United States, Grover Cleveland.

Fact-finding proved her claim to the honor of herself and her people. Sadly, as you know, righteousness and right reason did not prevail.

I cannot take the attitude of acceptance of today’s status quo, for I know that I am not alone in the way I interpret Hawai`i's true place in the world. Many people, now learning the facts of the Queen's case are energized, too, by the Queen's motto, "Onipa`a," "Stand Firm."

I feel that "Onipa`a" also means to use our NI, the native intelligence that we are endowed with as human beings, to act as thoughtful warriors. The Queen was not advising us to stay vigilant only.

With that in mind, I move forward, away from the prevailing illusion of ineffectiveness of the Hawaiian cause, by aligning the recent Golden Globe award to the film "Descendants” (about a fictitious family on Kaua`i) with Hawai`i's real right to carry on as a country.

IIlusion, no. Alllusion, yes.

“Would that facts mattered, and that the descendants of the subjects of the historical Hawaiian Kingdom would receive today the Golden Globe award for the legitimacy of their country.

On this anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government, we must remember that a country once recognized on a par with the rest of the world’s member states, as was the Hawaiian Kingdom – can have its operative government removed without forfeiting its sovereignty.

Observe respectfully the Golden Globe of national integrity that belongs to Hawaii Nei, even today!"

Keahi Felix
Hilo, Hawai`i

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