Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Documentary Film “Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty” Soon To Be Released

The illegal overthrow of Queen Lili`uokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom government by US foreigners and the US military on January 16,1893 is being marked by a series of articles on Hawaiian sovereignty in two major publications - L.A. Progressive and Hollywood Progressive.

Publication of these articles is in conjunction with the release of the award winning documentary "Hawai`i - A Voice For Sovereignty."

Details regarding the screening and release of the documentary film will be announced by L.A. Progressive and Hollywood Progressive.

The first of a series of articles was posted yesterday, with an hour by hour history of the coup in January 1893 being posted today.

These archival articles were originally published in 1992 issues of Pacific Island Monthly and written by Ed Rampell, who lived in Hawai`i and reported on the sovereignty movement.

More stories on Hawaiian sovereignty will be added to the media each week until the screening and release of "Hawai`i - A Voice For Sovereignty," an award winning documentary spoken in the voices of the Native Hawaiian people and directed by Catherine Bauknight.

It is a continuation of the film series “Power to the People” co-presented by L.A. Progressive, Hollywood Progressive, Cinema Libre Studio and Ed Rampel.

The series of articles and film will further the awareness about a Free Hawai`i.

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